May 2020

Meet the new C-suite leader: The chief well-being officer

Companies today face an ever-changing business climate and growing competition from all over the world. With that comes increasing pressure to accommodate and counter those challenges. The lines between work and life have become blurred. Companies are only as productive as their people — and their people are coping with strenuous demands. Hence the need […]

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May 2020

“When generations collide” How HR is rising to the challenge of a multigenerational workforce.

The New Challenge  A core challenge over the next decade will be to attract and retain a skilled workforce as the labor market continues to tighten, technology continues to evolve, and fewer foreign students immigrate to Britain in the wake of a politically challenging environment. This situation is exacerbated as companies find themselves managing four […]

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May 2020

Closer than ever before

The coronavirus crisis is now unfolding fast and merciless in front of our incredulous eyes.  Sadly, we will not be able to avoid the loss of lives and the heartbreaking global human impact of this catastrophic outbreak. There is nothing we can really do to escape its seismic waves as they severely hit markets, industries, […]

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May 2020

Millennials: Once in a Blue Moon

Red. That’s the colour of a blue moon. A phenomenon. Something that occurs infrequently. Something that takes aeons to come around. Well, 2.7 years, actually. That’s how often you can catch a blue moon. Not so long, really. It also happens to be roughly the amount of time between now and 2023. In the same […]

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May 2020

A boss in the Gig Economy

An increasing number of younger managers choose temporary managerial assignments. What are they powered by? And what does this mean for the employer and the organization? Suddenly we read about the gig economy everywhere. That more and more young people choose flexibility and freedom over permanent employment. We read about their driving forces, lifestyle and […]

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April 2020

To live or die: the dilemma of companies on leadership issues

Transformational leadership is the key tactic for the survival of fragile companies in these times of uncertainty. A company stands out for its leadership Transformational leadership is a key tactic to get organizations afloat in difficult times. There are periods or situations in which leaders are challenged to demonstrate what they are made of. They […]

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